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Looking back at Saturday 02 October

A look back at the acts, performances and events from Saturday 02 October 2021.

Thank you to Preston Photographic Society who provided the pictures of the event.

Out of the Deep Blue - Autin Dance Theatre

Out of the Deep Blue told the magical story of Eko the sea giant who rises from the deep ocean and encounters, on the shore, a little girl called ᐯiolet.

Inspired by the themes of the climate emergency and the biodiversity crisis.

D.O.C. - Safety Catch Theatre

We met Bessie on Saturday in the pouring rain, also known as Brainy Emergency Systems Secondary Intelligence Equaliser. The talking Ambulance and the haphazard Doctor played out there open hearted comedy on the wet Flag Market of Preston.

Projection Bikes

Projection Bikes roamed the street of Preston on Saturday evening, projecting bespoke animations onto buildings, vehicles, signs and even the ground.

Sound Intervention's Projector Bikes are a pair of unique off-grid electric trikes with battery powered projectors and a powerful wirelessly-linked sound system. 

The Bus Station Main Stage

The City of Preston and the Bus Station main stage plaza was filled with music and entertainment throughout the day, to celebrate the final day of Lancashire Encounter 2021.