1. Visit Preston
  2. The Harris

Annex 3 and 4

Annex 3: Press links

Annex 4: Range of analysis undertaken on primary survey data

Where available, data from previous years has been included within the 2024 evaluation.

Testing for significant differences has been calculated based on the difference between whole percentage responses using a confidence level of +/-90% where one or both percentages being compared is 5% or higher.

Any change referenced within the report therefore relates to a "significant change" rather than any insignificant difference in percentage responses.

Visitor survey data has been provided based on the nearest whole percentage point, except for data lower than 0.5% which has been provided to 1 decimal place. For the purposes of analysis, where data has been combined, this is based on recalculating the raw data based on absolutes rather than summing the percentages. Data may not always appear therefore to exactly sum.

Ask For Research

Contents of the report produced by Ask For Research: