1. Visit Preston
  2. The Harris

St Mathew's Mission

Address: The Parish of the Risen Lord, 20 Fishwick View , Preston, PR1 4YA, Lancashire
Telephone number: 07896 787878

St Matthew's Mission on Acregate Lane is a simple dual purpose building with chapel, hall and kitchen, dating from 1887.

The congregation of about 20 people meet on Sunday mornings at 9.30 am for a communion service with a bible-based sermon and songs of worship.

Church Activity Groups

The building is used as a hall by both St Matthew's Church and the community.

The Wednesday evening meeting is followed by Prayers for Healing.

It is used by the following groups:

  • Twinkling Stars Toddler Group on Thursday mornings
  • Rainbows and Brownies on Monday evenings
  • Work Club on Monday afternoons
  • The Various Group alternate Thursday afternoons
  • The Youth Cafe on Tuesday evenings.

It is also used by a Syrian Orthodox Church once a month on Sundays and occasionally by a Caribbean Christian Fellowship.

The hall is available for hire.

Visit the Church Activities group page for more information.