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  2. The Harris

The Mayor of Preston's Covid thank you torchlight parade

A look back at the very wet but amazing Mayor of Preston's Covid Thank You torchlight parade, which was followed by the spectacular fireworks display.

This took place on Saturday 02 October 2021.

Thank you to Preston Photographic Society who provided the pictures of the events.

Mayor of Preston's Covid Thank You torchlight parade

The Mayor's torchlight parade, which paid tribute to all key workers in Preston. 

The Parade saw a mix of vehicles and walking proud Prestonians who took part in the procession which had the theme of "light".

The event provided the opportunity for a city celebration and appreciation for all who have sacrificed and worked hard to support Preston through the pandemic.

Thank you message from the Mayor of Preston

The spectacular fireworks display

The jaw-dropping firework display ended the Lancashire Encounter festival, which brought three weekends of art, music, and family entertainment to the city centre.